You can check out Cassidy's current inventory by pressing I in the Dream World (Dreamscape) or looking at her Journal in the Waking World by pressing J (both can be opened with - on switch).
Cassidy's inventory consists of her equipment, keepsakes, and influences.
Types of Equipment
There are a variety of equipment in Dreamscaper that Cassidy can use to her advantage in combat when fighting nightmares. New equipment can be unlocked throughout the game. To expand Cassidy's equipment choices, gift items to NPCs to improve her friendship and unlock more items.
Equipment rarity increases in the following order: White, Green, Blue, Purple and Gold.
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Shields can be used to bock and parry incoming attacks. Not all shields allow for parrying. Using shields to block will consume your lucid.
Lucid Attacks
Page: Lucid Attacks
Lucid Awakening
Dream Rush I
Slows down time for 5 + 12.5 lucid/s. User Dream Rush to slow down time. When overwhelmed, it can give you the edge you need. Dream Rush can be used once every three combat rooms.
I'm on bullet time minus the bullets.
Keepsakes are items buffs that can help boost your gameplay by giving you advantages like more health. Some will even offer you a trade off by taking away certain aspects instead, so choose wisely on the keepsakes you want. You can unlock more keepsake options by improving your relationship with NPCs or using your sketchbook
Influences can be unlocked and leveled up by improving Cassidy's relationship with NPCs in the Waking World. Influences can help improve Cassidy's stats and combat.
There are a total of 7 influences: